Tuesday, January 18, 2011

J O A N N E & H E N D R Y

There is one thing about reading people’s blog or looking at many inspiration photographs. The absence of doing the activity yourself. I for one admit to sinking myself in the many different websites by the amazing authors and visual artistes. I constantly had to remind myself that I need to go out and shoot. To practice and hone the skills that I have in me. To be a better visual artist.

Last Saturday was my first assignment of 2011 from French Bridal. William the photographer called me earlier that week to confirm my availability on the 15th January for the Actual Day wedding ceremony for the expat couples, Joanne and Hendry. Hendry is from Indonesia and Joanne is from the Philippines and they have known each other for a long time before tying the knot. It is truly a different experience to have a dine-in lunch banquet right after the wedding solemnisation by the Rev. who spoke on the scripture in 1 John which was chosen by the couple. The service was held at a function room next to the lunch banquet.

Joanne's dad was all teary when he hand Joanne over to Hendry. It was indeed touching to know how deep her father's love is for her. He also reminded Hendry to take good care of her during the lunch banquet. Hendry reassured his new dad that he would love her with all his heart.

With that, I wish the best of love to both the couple and may they be as fruitful as the Lord would want them to be. :)

The rest of the photos maybe found here: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?fbid=128303563903933&id=121137611287195&aid=25136

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