Sunday, April 29, 2007

been bitching around~*

oh... i've been bitching around like a gal who's jealous of the bestest of the best girlfren that has the best boyfren that any gal could had....

ok... I'm kidding... as the above sounds a tad too gay for that matter.

I'm glad I have everything worked out and a plan in hand.

It's only with a lil prayer and a lil effort to make things right in place.

oh Lord, I lift up to you the hands of a child that seeks solace, comfort and joy everlasting.

For to love thy problem makers is very tough.

but still I'm glad that you will work through me to be a better person. A better man.

I pray that I will bitch no more~*

Hold my hands keep them warm with your love.

Thank you Lord.

Thank you problem makers for showing me how to try to love you.

And I'm always grateful for your encouraging words and the trust you have in me dear fren.
I think you know who you are...


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