Our Father in Heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today your daily bread.
Forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
Dear Lord,
I thank you for the calmness that you have when your cousin, John the Baptist was beheaded to please the Herod's daughter. In a situation like this, I have no idea what I would do. I would just seek solitude and hide myself to grief. You Lord are an awesome God, in all things, you are able to provide the needs of the crowd by performing the miracle of feeding the crowd of 5thousand. Even though you were distraught, I believe that you know the purpose that God had. His good and pleasing will for you. I pray that in all pressure that the world might have for me and the pressure to follow you, I will be able to overcome all the things that does not edify your name. Once again, forgive my sins Lord knowing that it is only by grace that I can come so close to you. Not by works that man could boast but by your blood that have redeemed my soul. This day, I pray for the souls that are lukewarm for you. I pray for their spirit to be filled with the passion of the Holy Spirit to be set ablaze once again. I pray for the salvation of my family, my mum and my friends around me. That they will be able to open their hearts to you more and more each day as I continue to live a testimony that you would one day call me your faithful child. I also pray for the friends that I have in uni, poly, jc that wherever you are, may the Lord bless you in ur studies and tests that you would have tomorrow and health also. Give thanks in all these in Jesus name I pray,
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