Sunday, March 25, 2007

1 Sam 24 Reflective Response

Our Father in Heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today your daily bread.
Forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.

Lord of the nations,
I thank you for the life of King David that he was just and always have your perspective in place. Even when his troops told him that the Lord has brought the enemy to them for the taking, King David did what was right by not killing Saul when he could have. Instead, he prostrate and address Saul as my master. Something that would even baffled his own soldiers, but I know that even when Saul pursued David for his life for he was jealous, David did not returned the same favour but instaed did what was right in your sight. Help me Lord, help me to be like David in the response to situations like this. Though it may not be as extreme like that, I pray that whatever treatment I receive, I believe that I can do the same like David, not to react what the world might want us or percive us to react but live our lives with our focus to you. Have your way in my heart. In our hearts Lord, we are changed as you move in our midst.
Lord, this day I also thank you for keeping me well... I have been down with slight sun burn and fever but you have preserved me. I pray for the complete healing to be within me in the name of the Lord Jesus. That you would remove all that is not from you in my life that I am a new creation in you once again. To live my life according to your purpose. I would lift up my mum, my family and frens for their salvation. I pray especially for my mum that you would keep her well also and continue to open her heart to me and you. I pray for the case study that you will be having on tuesday and the econs test on thurs that you will do well and may the Lord bless you in the things that you do also. I also lift up my frens in studies also that the Lord will provide the focus and time that they need to overcome all things. May I continue to bless you with my life Lord.

Giving thanks in your name,

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